In the battle of workouts, manufacturers of the elliptical trainers and treadmills present their products as the better one of the two. Consumers can become confused with all the hoopla especially when one considers that both are two of the most effective cardiovascular exercise machines available in the fitness market today.
Just like any exercise machine, there are distinct similarities and differences between the elliptical machine and the treadmill. It just takes sufficient information about the capabilities and limitations of each one to determine which one suit your fitness needs the best. Or better yet, if their combination will further your exercise goals.
Elliptical Workout
When it comes to an impact-free workout, the elliptical trainer is the best in the industry. This is due to the fact that your feet are placed on the foot pedals all throughout the exercise session, without need to raise them up and lower them down again in the walking and running motions like with the treadmill. Thus, individuals with joint difficulties and injuries prefer the elliptical trainer over the treadmill.
Another advantage of the elliptical trainer is its all-body workout property. The whole body is engaged since 70 percent of the momentum comes from the lower body, with the 30 percent from the upper body via the handlebars. You can even add hand weights to the routine so as to increase its calorie-burning efficiency. Thus, more calories are burned with lesser perceived effort.
Also, the elliptical trainer allows for more variety to be introduced into the workout. This is very handy for individuals who have difficulty staying on any exercise program once the exercise plateau has been reached. You can vary the intensity of the workouts, vary the motions through the pedal, and vary the large muscles targeted by doing away with the handlebars. Thus, if it is whole body workout with variety that you are looking for, then the elliptical trainer is for you.
Treadmill Workout
Lest you think that the treadmill suffers in comparison, there are advantages to using it over the elliptical trainer. For one thing, working out on a treadmill does not require great coordination on your part since it involves what comes naturally to us - walking and running. Thus, if you want to walk and run in a safe indoor environment, then the treadmill is for you.
For another thing, the treadmill provides for a more focused training workout for runners and brisk walkers than an elliptical trainer does. The motions required are, after all, the same as in running a marathon. You can even vary the intensity by running on alternate speeds and inclines.
Beyond the workout benefits, treadmills are very easy to operate and to store, thanks to its foldable features. Add in more entertainment options than an elliptical trainer and we may have a winner on our hands.
So, who wins the battle of the workouts? Well, it depends on your exercise needs and goals, which you must assess before purchasing either of the elliptical or treadmill for your home gym. Besides, both exercise machines develop bone density, increase your energy levels, burn fat and calories, and promote better cardiovascular health, thus, either one is good for you.